Soybean Cyst Nematode Management Guide – 5th Edition

Your guide to managing SCN infested fields for increased yield and an increased bottom line is available at the MPGA office. We have received copies of the North Central Soybean Research Program (NCSRP) guide for our producers. The NCSRP is a partnership of 12 soybean checkoff organizations that work to improve soybean performance through cooperative research and education.

This publication was developed with you, the soybean grower, in mind. Included in these pages are the answers to frequently asked questions, along with recommendations based on decades of research on soybean management in SCN-infested fields.

This research has shown that soybeans can be produced profitably in spite of SCN. The first move is yours; to determine whether you have SCN infestations, then tailor a management strategy for your farm.

Click here to download a copy of the SCN management guide. Copies are also available by contacting the MPGA office at 745-6488.

Visit the NCSRP website here.

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