5 Simple Tips to Keep Your Crop Ready for Market


Use Acceptable Pesticides Only

Only apply pesticides that are both registered for use on your crop in Canada and won’t create trade concerns. Talk to your grain buyer to ensure the products you are using are acceptable to both domestic and export customers.



Always Read and Follow the Label

Always follow the label for rate, timing and pre-harvest interval (PHI). The PHI is the number of days that must pass between the last application of a pesticide and swathing or straight combining. Applying pesticides or desiccants without following label directions may result in unacceptable residues.

Unlike many products, applying pre-harvest glyphosate too early (e.g. when seed moisture content is 30% or above) can result in higher than acceptable residue levels.

See the provincial Guides to Crop Protection for more information and use our Spray to Swatch Interval Calculator for more info.

spray to swath logo


Grow Disease-Resistant Varieties and Use Practices that Reduce Infection

Crop diseases like blackleg in canola and fusarium head blight (FHB) in cereals can cause yield and quality losses, impact profitability and may create a market risk.

For blackleg in canola follow these disease management tips:

  • Maintain a break between canola crops to allow time for crop residue to decompose. If blackleg becomes established, a minimum break of two to three years is recommended.
  • Scout canola fields regularly for blackleg symptoms and prevalence to help determine the effectiveness of your blackleg management plan.
  • Plant only canola varieties rated R (resistant) or MR (moderately resistant) to blackleg. Rotate varieties to bring a mix of blackleg resistance genes and sources to the field over time.
  • Consider applying a fungicide from the cotyledon to 4-leaf stage if in a higher risk situation for the disease.
  • Control volunteer canola and other Brassica weeds (stinkweed, shepherd’s purse, wild mustard, flixweed) to prevent blackleg build up during non-canola years.

Visit blackleg.ca to learn more and watch the Blackleg Disease & Resistance Management video.

For fusarium in cereals follow these disease management tips:

  • Grow fusarium-resistant varieties.
  • Apply a fungicide when there is an elevated risk of FHB.
  • Plan crop rotations to manage fusarium.
  • Plant clean seed and assess the benefits of a seed treatment in high risk areas to improve the crop stand.
  • Use a combination of best management practices to control fusarium.

Visit our fusarium page to learn more about the best practices to manage the disease and to reduce the presence of FHB on seed.



Store Your Crop Properly

Proper storage helps to maintain crop quality and keeps the bulk free of harmful cross contaminants.

  • Make sure your storage bins are free of treated seed and animal protein like blood meal and bone meal.
  • Clean bins thoroughly prior to storing your crop.
  • Only use approved bin treatments (e.g. diatomaceous earth on cereals).
  • Never use malathion to prepare canola for storage or to treat bins used to store canola. Its residue can linger for months, so choose your canola storage bin carefully.
  • Condition crops to moisture and temperature levels safe for long-term storage.
  • Keep bins cool, dry, well-ventilated and check their condition regularly.



Deliver What You Declare

When you sign the mandatory Declaration of Eligibility affidavit at the elevator, you are making a legal assertion that your crop is the variety and/or class you have designated. It also states whether your grain may contain residues of any crop input product specified in the declaration.

This declaration is a legally binding document and incorrect information, intentional or unintentional, can be traced back to the farm and individuals can be held liable for the costs associated with contamination of a bin or shipment.

Do not seed these de-registered varieties or any seed produced from them, and don’t deliver them to a Canadian elevator or crushing plant. For treated seed, contact provincial authorities or municipal landfill for disposal. De-registered varieties include:

  • Roundup Ready Polish (B. rapa): Hysyn 101rr
  • Bromoxynil tolerant: 295bx, Armor Bx, Cartier Bx, Zodiac Bx, Renegade Bx
  • Liberty Link (B. napus): Exceed, 2631 Ll, Swallow, Sw Legion Ll, Sw Flare Ll, Lbd 2393 Ll, Innovator, Independence, Hcn 14, Phoenix, 3850, 2153, 3640, 3880, 2163, 2273
  • Clearfield tolerant: 46a76

For more information, visit CFIA’s database of registered varieties and list of variety registration cancellations.