Stats Can Releases Principle Field Crop Numbers

June 27, 2014 – Stats Can released its principle field crop numbers for Canadian crops, showing a significant increase in soybean, peas and dry bean acres.  Soybeans acres are up 23.5% from last year to 5.5 million acres across Canada.  This includes Manitoba farmers who reported a 23.8% increase to 1.3 million soybean acres.  Dry peas also show an increase of 21% over 2013 acres to 3.9 million acres and the biggest jump in acres is dry beans at 347,000 acres – a 65% jump from 2013.  Market analysts and traders were not surprised by the numbers but recent weather events since the survey was completed weeks ago, will play a more important role.  Poor weather has also lowered crop ratings and production numbers.

For more information, please visit Stats Can

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