Soybean Insect and Disease Scouting Calendar

This calendar indicates when to scout for specific soybean insect and disease pests throughout the growing season. It also outlines soybean growth stages that correspond with the presence of certain pests. The potential impact of each pest on soybean production and quality is also ranked (high, medium, low), based on the opinions of experts and observations made over the past several years of soybean production.

This resource was made specifically for Manitoba. You may read or hear about soybean insect and disease pests from other soybean growing regions, such as North Dakota or Ontario, but not all pests are present in Manitoba (i.e. soybean rust). However, this is expected to change as we grow soybeans more frequently in rotation. Keep in mind that MPSG has eyes and ears in the field throughout the growing season to monitor crop conditions and watch for new pests. We also fund research and surveys for the detection of new pests, such as soybean cyst nematode (SCN).


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