MPSG Membership Survey

Manitoba Pulse & Soybean Growers (MPSG) is seeking the valued input of its membership through a survey being delivered online and in-print by Insightrix Research.

If you wish to fill out the in-print version of the survey, a package from Insightrix Research will be appearing in your post office box shortly. Please click here, if you prefer to fill out the online version.

MPSG last conducted a membership survey in 2013. Since that time, soybean acres have increased exponentially and, while pulse acres have been stable for the last five years, strong prices and a noticeable spike in interest among growers have put those crops in a position for growth, as well.

MPSG values its membership. We want to make sure we are doing all we can to meet the needs of our farmers.

This survey will help shape MPSG’s operations, from research and production to communications to management. MPSG wants to make sure it’s researching the right things, saying the right things in the most effective mediums, and doing all of this in a responsible, well-governed way.

Members having completed the survey will have the opportunity to win 1 of 20, $100 Home Depot gift cards.

MPSG would like to thank its members in advance for taking the time to complete the survey. Your feedback is valuable and appreciated.

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