July 6, 2017

Soybeans are now at the 4th trifoliate (V4) stage with the 5th trifoliate beginning to unfurl. Team A plots received a 2nd glyphosate application due to heavy weed pressure. Team B plots received a 3rd glyphosate application also due to weed pressure and sticking to the “game plan.” Manual weed control continues for Team C plots, which recently received another round of inter-row cultivation.

It is recommended to assess plant population from the V1 to V4 stages (~1 month after seeding) to ensure all plants have emerged from the soil. Live plant stand results from the USC plots are as follows:

A – 163,200 plants/ac

B – 60,700 plants/ac

C – 60,200 plants/ac

Due to a lower seeding rate (150,000 seeds/ac), dry conditions at planting and shallower seeding depth, Teams B and C plots resulted in plant stands approximately 100,000 plants/ac less than Team A (190,000 seeds/ac).