September 14, 2017

Soybeans are at the R7.5 stage on average, where the white membrane surrounding seeds is gone (seeds detached within pods), pods are turning brown, and leaves are dropping. These soybeans are just a few days away from R8 (full maturity, 95% brown pod). Depending on the weather, USC soybeans may be ready for harvest as early as the end of next week.

Now that leaf drop is underway, late-season measurements (i.e., pod height) can be conducted more easily. Pod heights were measured on ten plants per plot as the distance from the soil surface to the lowest pod-bearing node. Pod height results:

Team A (Akras R2) – 5.4 inches

Team B (Soo7-Y4) – 4.9 inches

Team C (OAC Prudence) – 4.4 inches

On average, Akras R2 pods were 1 inch higher than Prudence and 0.5 inches higher than S007-Y4. However, it is likely that plant spatial arrangement (i.e., plant population, row spacing) or environmental factors influenced pod height differences.