The Science Edition – 2018

The second edition of Pulse Beat – Science Edition is now available! This science-oriented Pulse Beat  reveals the breadth and depth of MPSG’s research investments, including details from projects conducted in laboratories, field trials and the On-Farm Network.

Welcome to the second edition of Pulse Beat – The Science Edition.

Look anywhere and science and innovation are driving improvements to agriculture. In our corner of the globe, Manitoba Pulse & Soybean Growers (MPSG) invests in research that specifically supports Manitoba farmers. That means aligning MPSG’s research investments with
its member-mandated mission to support profitable and sustainable pulse and soybean production. It also means focusing on things that matter to farmers’ bottom line: crop yield and quality; pest control costs; driving demand from end-users: and soil quality. As a result, most of the funds awarded for research support projects in agronomy, plant breeding and end-use attributes.

Central to MPSG’s mandate is the transfer of research results to farmers. This effort begins with MPSG’s On-Farm Network, where with the help of MPSG staff, farmers subject research findings to a final test under actual farm conditions. The effort extends to summarizing virtually all research results into reports and fact sheets posted to mpsgsearch3.test.

MPSG agronomists also walk-the-talk by speaking in-person with farmers across the province and retracing those steps through in-season surveys of crop health. Of course, there’s the popular magazine Pulse Beat. This science-oriented version of Pulse Beat reveals the breadth and depth of MPSG’s research program including details from projects conducted in laboratories, field trials and the On-Farm Network.

By reporting the full story behind research projects, we hope members gain a sense of where their MPSG dollars are invested. We also hope The Science Edition ignites and informs practical comparisons among research results. Ultimately, it’s the prospect of stimulating critical
thinking among members that drives MPSG to seek new production insights through research. We hope you find this edition to be the start of new ideas for your farm.

Table of Contents:

  1. On-Farm Evaluation of Soybean Seed Treatment
  2. Evaluation of Seeding Rate &Fungicide Use in Field Peas
  3. On-Farm Transition to Organic Soybean Production
  4. 2016 MB General and Herbicide Resistant Weed Survey
  5. Action Thresholds for Volunteer Canola in Soybeans
  6. Managing the Volunteer Canola Seedbank after Harvest
  7. Herbicide Options for Volunteer Canola in Xtend Soybeans
  8. Herbicide Options for Volunteer Canola in Enlist Soybeans
  9. Making Soybeans More Competitive with Volunteer Canola
  10. Agronomic Mgmt of Soybeans in MB – Crop Rotation
  11. Agronomic Mgmt of Soybeans in MB_- Row Spacing & Seeding Rate
  12. Agronomic Mgmt of Soybeans in MB_- Cultivar Growth Rate & Maturity
  13. Soybean Breeding Lines Evaluated for IDC Resistance
  14. Variation in Soybean Seed Quality Across Canada
  15. Pulse-Based_Gluten-Free_Shelf-Stable Ready-to-Eat Meals using Retort Technology
  16. Glycaemic Response on Dry and Canned Whole Pulses for Cdn Market
  17. Development & Taste Testing of Recipes Containing Edible Beans