Message from Board Chair

Calvin Penner, Chair, MPSG – Spring Pulse Beat 2022

AS I SIT and think about what I will write for this message, it is snowing and the wind has switched back from the north after blowing from the south. These unpredictable winds seem to be filling every nook and cranny of our farm with snow. That’s a good thing, and it’s also a good thing that there is no dirt blowing off of our fields. Things are looking much brighter than they did at this time last year.

Right now, we have slightly above average snow accumulation, which is what we will need to be able to start recharging the soil moisture deficit. It is a good starting place and who knows what will happen between now and spring. We will still need a good, slow melt to allow all of this to soak into the soil, as well as timely rains in order to recover from the drought.

I’ve enjoyed the last six years at Manitoba Pulse & Soybean Growers (MPSG), but I have decided to step back to make way for new board members. It has been a great experience to sit on the MPSG board and then be asked to chair the board. We have an exceptional board

and staff at MPSG. I have learned a lot about boards and soybean and pulse research, as well as how farmers farm in different areas of the province. I have also been able to meet researchers from across the country and see the research that supports MPSG’s vision statement, which states “sustainably producing profitable, quality pulse and soybean crops.”

I look forward to seeing the continued results of research on pulses and soybeans. There is so much good work that happens that is unseen by the casual observer.

The 2022 board election results are in and I want to congratulate Alex Burgess on being elected. I would encourage everyone to make time and consider sitting on a board at some time in their lives. You can make a difference no matter what type of board it is. You will also learn about how boards work, as you provide leadership and direction to whatever organization you choose to engage with. You will learn a lot about human nature, as well as meet new and interesting people.

Over the past six years, I have enjoyed seeing all the work that MPSG has done. I am proud of the work that MPSG is doing on behalf of Manitoba farmers.

I want to wish you a good 2022 crop. ■

— Calvin

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