A Tale of Two Soybeans

Melvin Rattai, Chair, MPSG

IT’S BEEN A BEAUTIFUL SUMMER for us on the farm.

As I’m writing this, it’s October of 2023. officials and customers in priority pulse I’m staring out of my window and the grass markets worldwide, our team is focused is still very green. The harvest is about 90 on creating efficiencies throughout the per cent complete and the trees have their supply chain while growing sustainable outstanding fall colours.

Reflecting back on the season, we started seeding in May with good moisture, and one very good rain after seeding got the crop going. Then, no rain in June. However, despite having no rain in June, timely rains throughout the rest of the growing season on some of our fields helped the drops. On some of our fields the dry spell continued throughout the growing season.

It has been an interesting year for MPSG. We’ve seen an increase in soybeans per acre this year. Our staff has been maintaining MPSG’s award winning research and crop production standards. You can be confident that your check-off investment dollars are being put to great use.

Manitoba Pulse & Soybean Growers (MPSG) is looking forward to working with the new agriculture minister. We will get in touch with their office to work with them for the benefit of Manitoba’s pulse and soybean farmers.

Soy Canada and Pulse Canada boards have been working hard on the national protein strategies.

We are continually encouraged by the number of our farmer members who use our on-farm network research and programs.

Enjoy the holidays and take care of yourself! Stay focuses on the things that matter the most in life.


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