Ashlyn Kropp

Say Hello to MPSG’s 2024 Summer Students

Ashlyn KroppMy name is Ashlyn Kropp, and I am in my fourth year of a bachelor of agricultural sciences at the University of Manitoba, majoring in plant biotechnology. I’ve been enjoying all my classes and labs over the fall getting to learn more about agriculture all the time. This summer I am looking forward to my second year as a summer student with Manitoba Pulse & Soybean Growers, and I’m ready to get out there and do some more plant counts and see more of our beautiful province again. My dog Zuri and I are looking forward to the warmer weather to enjoy more adventures and camping this summer, and I’m planning to gear up and get ready for the 2024 Ducks Unlimited Duck and Run 5K to conserve and restore our wetlands!

Grace Thomson

My name is Grace Thomson, and I’m so excited to have the opportunity to work for Manitoba Pulse & Soybean Growers this summer. I’m currently working towards my bachelor of science in agroecology. I’m looking forward to learning more about the pulse and soybean industry in Manitoba, talking to growers and gaining more hands-on experience. This summer I’m looking forward to spending time outside camping and hiking with my friends and family.

Watch this video to get to know Grace and Ashlyn better.

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