Category: News

  • Assessing Impact of Frost on Soybeans

    Soybean growers in Western Canada and the Northern U.S. have been up early over the last few mornings checking how low temperatures dropped overnight. The thermometer has dipped below the freezing mark in some areas, with damage to soybeans depending … Continue reading →

  • Soybean Industry Organizes Under Soy Canada Banner

    September 15, 2014- Reposted from Representatives from across Canada’s soybean industry have joined together to form Soy Canada, “a national voice to drive growth and progress for the sector,” according to a press release. To date, 27 organizations and … Continue reading →

  • What Fall Scouting Can Teach You, Plus Row Width vs. Solid Seeding Decisions

    So you’re thinking of switching to a wider row spacing for next year’s soybeans. Have you taken your hula hoop around this year’s crop first? Though there isn’t necessarily an “ideal” row spacing suggested for western Canadian soybean growers, the … Continue reading →

  • Manitoba beans progressing well, late harvest seen

    Manitoba Co-Operator Posted August 29, 2014 by Marney Blunt  CNS Canada – Manitoba edible bean crops have been progressing well over the past few weeks — but not enough, it seems, to push harvest back up to normal time slots. … Continue reading →

  • Great Tastes of Manitoba

    Show #14 – Celebrating International Year of Pulses This show will air Saturday, December 10, 2016 at 6:30 pm on CTV Winnipeg  Join Roxanne Lewko and host Dez Daniels as they celebrate the International Year of Pulses in the 27th season of the show. … Continue reading →

  • Soybean Progress in Manitoba

    August 15, 2014 – Video Courtesy of Manitoba Co-operator reporter Allan Dawson   Manitoba Co-operator reporter Allan Dawson met with Dennis Lange of Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Development for an update on the progress of Manitoba’s 2014 soybean crop following … Continue reading →

  • Soybean Acreage Increase in Southwest Manitoba

    August 13, 2015 – Manitoba Cooperator –  by Meghan Mast Boissevain-area farmer Ben Heide was looking for an alternative to peas when he tried growing soybeans for the first time three years ago. His field peas were struggling with root … Continue reading →

  • MPGA 2014 Field Tour East

    For Immediate Release – August 5, 2014     WHERE: AAFC Research Station – Morden Located on Route 100, south off Highway 3 on the east side of Morden WHEN: Thursday, August 7th, 2014  9:00am – 12:00pm Lunch will be … Continue reading →

  • MPGA – Working for You

    July 21, 2014 – Manitoba Pulse Growers Association is pleased to present MPGA- Working for You – a short video showcasing the Association’s priorities in research, market development and advocacy in the agricultural industry and how this benefits Manitoba farmers.

  • Brown Spot, Downy Mildew & Herbicide Injury – Which is it?

    July 15th, 2014-     Soybean growers in Manitoba are — so far — rather lucky. While there are diseases in the province that infect soybeans, like downy mildew, white mold (sclerotinia) and brown spot, overall pressure is relatively low. That … Continue reading →

  • Identification and Management of Chlorosis

    Chlorosis, or yellowing of leaf tissue in plants, can be an indicator of a great number of issues from nutrient deficient soils to poor root systems or saturated soils. Manitoba farmers especially are dealing with excess moisture this year, even … Continue reading →

  • The Insect and Disease Scouting Calendar

    What’s the toughest part of trying out a new crop? Once you get the equipment set up sorted out at seeding and harvest, it’s on to crop diagnostics. Mother Nature tends to give farmers a bit of a break when … Continue reading →

  • Stats Can Releases Principle Field Crop Numbers

    June 27, 2014 – Stats Can released its principle field crop numbers for Canadian crops, showing a significant increase in soybean, peas and dry bean acres.  Soybeans acres are up 23.5% from last year to 5.5 million acres across Canada.  … Continue reading →

  • Pulse School Videos

    Saskatchewan Pulse Growers (SPG) and Real Agriculture, have teamed up to create Pulse School, a series of online videos aimed at educating farmers on growing, marketing, and selling pulse crops.  This series of videos are designed to deliver production information … Continue reading →

  • Must Have Tools for Evaluating Stand Establishment

    How close did you get to achieving the soybean plant density you were aiming for? What’s the yield potential of the stand you have? The only way to get a bead on those answers is to get out and scout … Continue reading →

  • Pulse Beat Summer 2014 (No. 72)

    *Correction:  Please note, on page 31 of the Pulse Beat Summer issue No. 72, the deadline for repayment of the 2014/15 cash advance should read September 15, 2015.  The correct information can be viewed here:”>2014/15 Cash Advance Program.  Our apologies … Continue reading →

  • Grain Growers of Canada pleased with passage of Bill C-30

    For Immediate Release Grain Growers of Canada pleased with passage of Bill C-30 (Winnipeg, MB, May 29, 2014) – The Grain Growers of Canada thanked Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food Gerry Ritz, and MPs and Senators from all sides, for … Continue reading →

  • Can you influence pod height?

    In a perfect world, the soybean plant would pop up out of the ground, grow some leaves and then really stretch a bit before setting where that first pod will form. The reality for many western Canadian farmers, however, is … Continue reading →