Category: Ultimate Soybean Challenge 2017

  • The Winner of the Ultimate Soybean Challenge!

    The results of the Ultimate Soybean Challenge are here! And the winner is… Continue reading →

  • October 4, 2017

    Ultimate Soybean Challenge plots were harvested on October 4th! Harvest was slightly delayed due to rainfall in late September, but the weather was finally right to take off the crop. Soybeans were testing at 14.3% moisture at the time of … Continue reading →

  • September 21, 2017

    The majority of soybean plants in the USC plots have reached R8/full maturity, meaning 95% of pods are brown. Soybeans are now  5-10 days away from harvest. However, recent rains and cooler temperatures could mean harvest may wait until closer … Continue reading →

  • September 14, 2017

    Soybeans are at the R7.5 stage on average, where the white membrane surrounding seeds is gone (seeds detached within pods), pods are turning brown, and leaves are dropping. These soybeans are just a few days away from R8 (full maturity, … Continue reading →

  • August 30, 2017

    Team A soybeans are mainly at the R6 stage, and Teams B and C soybeans are slightly more advanced at the R6.5 stage. Signs of sunburn or sunscald were present, appearing as red to bronze areas between leaf veins. Conditions … Continue reading →

  • August 16, 2017

    All soybeans have reached the R5 (early seed) stage of development and are nearing R6 (full seed). Ultimate Soybean Challenge plots suffered from an aphid infestation early in August. Soybean aphids were sprayed last week and control appears to be … Continue reading →

  • July 19, 2017

    All soybeans are at the R2 stage of development. Soybean management strategies can be visually distinguished one from another due to differences in row spacing and weed control.  Team C plots have had five rounds of inter-row cultivation, but weeds … Continue reading →

  • July 6, 2017

    Soybeans are now at the 4th trifoliate (V4) stage with the 5th trifoliate beginning to unfurl. Team A plots received a 2nd glyphosate application due to heavy weed pressure. Team B plots received a 3rd glyphosate application also due to … Continue reading →

  • June 13, 2017

    Soybeans are now at the unifoliate (VC) stage of development. Some areas have had rabbit feeding damage (see image); however, plants have the ability to continue growth from the axillary buds, producing double-stemmed soybean plants.

  • June 7, 2017

    Soybeans are continuing to emerge in dry conditions through large soil clods. They are currently at the VE (cotyledon) stage of development. Shallow seeding of Team B and C plots has left some soybean seeds sitting on the soil surface … Continue reading →

  • May 31, 2017

    Soybeans seeded on May 24th have germinated. Differences in germination sparked the question: Does seeding depth influence the speed of germination under drier soil moisture conditions? The hypocotyl length was greater for soybeans seeded slightly deeper in Team A plots … Continue reading →

  • May 24, 2017

    All Ultimate Soybean Challenge plots were seeded on May 24, 2017! Soybeans were seeded on the shallow side with the expectation of rain immediately after seeding. Seeding conditions were good despite the windy weather.