Category: Communications

  • July 18, 2016

    A little bit of septoria is showing on the bottom leaves of the canopy, and there’s a little bit of sunburn on the top leaves as well as some bacterial blight. Sunburn is only appearing in the row crops. Yesterday … Continue reading →

  • July 11, 2016

    The USC soybeans are growing rapidly, with most plants being at the V-6 stage. Flowering has begun, and a lot have already progressed into the R-2 stage. The site has received 152 mm of rain to date, with 996 CHU. The … Continue reading →

  • June 27, 2016

    Total rainfall to date is 146 mm, with 824 CHU. Most soybeans are at the V-3 stage, with little difference in stages between treatments.

  • June 21, 2016

    Plant stands look good, all plants are up and even though Portage has had a lot of rain (34mm 2 days ago), the USC was fairly dry. The first spray pass was done and there is minimal weed pressure. All the … Continue reading →

  • June 9, 2016

    All 3 teams decided to spray their first pass of glyphosate. Weed density was moderate-high, with millet, dandelion, and volunteer canola (non-RR) being the main issues. All soybeans were at the unifoliate stage. Total rainfall to date is 69 mm … Continue reading →

  • June 1, 2016

    Total rainfall to date is 55 mm and 222 CHUs.

  • May 30, 2016

    Surface dried up but very good soil moisture. All treatments are emerging with no clear differences. It was expected that the shallower seeding depth would emerge sooner but soil depth appears deeper than anticipated in all treatments (see picture). Emergence … Continue reading →

  • May 27, 2016

    Field saturated. Seeds germinated but no emergence yet.

  • May 20, 2016

    The USC was seeded (soil temperature >15ºC). No rain was in the forecast so seeding depth was an important decision although there was soil moisture at about 1.5 inches. Team B and C used the same planter and decided to … Continue reading →

  • Pulse Beat: Summer 2017

    Featuring: Memorandum of Understanding: Collaboration Among Commodity Groups; Soy Canada Asia Trade Mission; MPSG’s 2017 Approved Funding for Research; Soybeans: Good for Lowering Greenhouse Gas Emissions;

  • June 13, 2017

    Soybeans are now at the unifoliate (VC) stage of development. Some areas have had rabbit feeding damage (see image); however, plants have the ability to continue growth from the axillary buds, producing double-stemmed soybean plants.

  • June 7, 2017

    Soybeans are continuing to emerge in dry conditions through large soil clods. They are currently at the VE (cotyledon) stage of development. Shallow seeding of Team B and C plots has left some soybean seeds sitting on the soil surface … Continue reading →

  • May 31, 2017

    Soybeans seeded on May 24th have germinated. Differences in germination sparked the question: Does seeding depth influence the speed of germination under drier soil moisture conditions? The hypocotyl length was greater for soybeans seeded slightly deeper in Team A plots … Continue reading →

  • May 24, 2017

    All Ultimate Soybean Challenge plots were seeded on May 24, 2017! Soybeans were seeded on the shallow side with the expectation of rain immediately after seeding. Seeding conditions were good despite the windy weather.

  • Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) Tax Credit

    2016 Tax Credit – 26% of MPSG check-off Farmers who contribute pulse check-off dollars to the Manitoba Pulse & Soybean Growers (MPSG) are eligible to claim a federal tax credit through the Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) program. The … Continue reading →

  • MPSG Membership Survey

    Manitoba Pulse & Soybean Growers (MPSG) is seeking the valued input of its membership through a survey being delivered online and in-print by Insightrix Research. If you wish to fill out the in-print version of the survey, a package from Insightrix Research will … Continue reading →

  • Pulse Beat: Spring 2017

    Featuring: Research Profile: Dr. Anfu Hou, AAFC bean breeder; The Bean Report – Keeping the soybean honeymoon alive- Part 2; Be careful when applying dicamba on Xtend Soybeans; Optimizing soybean plant density for different planting windows  

  • Update to farmers on market access to India for pulses

    While there has been considerable uncertainty regarding market access to India for a few weeks, we have been advised this week that the Government of India plans not to extend the current fumigation derogation for Canadian pulses past March 31, … Continue reading →