Category: Pulse Beat Articles

  • Price Expectations and Acreage Possibilities

    Chuck Penner, Owner, LeftField Commodity Research THE 2021 DROUGHT has a long tail. The extremes of 2021/22 had long-lasting impacts on the market that are hanging on. Bad experiences with grain contracts that year are causing farmers to view 2023/24 … Continue reading →

  • 2022 Disease Prevalence and Management Tools

    Disease Surveillance in Soybeans, Peas, and Dry Beans and On-Farm Fungicide Evaluation Results Laura Schmidt, Production Specialist – West, MPSG SURVEILLANCE OF CROPS across the province helps us track diseases of concern over time and keeps us abreast of any … Continue reading →

  • Grain and Forage Legumes in Sustainable Crop Production

    Mario Tenuta, Senior Industrial Research Chair in 4R Nutrient Stewardship, Department of Soil Science, University of Manitoba CLIMATE SCIENTISTS HAVE an overwhelming consensus that greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide) emitted from human activity has resulted in an … Continue reading →

  • Role of Annual Legumes in the Low Carbon Economy

    Charley Sprenger, B.E., M.Sc., Project Leader Gary Bergen, P.Eng., Technical Lead | The Prairie Agricultural Machinery Institute (PAMI) Annual legumes play a critical role in today’s low-carbon economy. The following two articles illustrate how introducing legumes into your crop rotation … Continue reading →

  • Industry-Driven Innovations – A Bright Light for Agriculture in Manitoba

    Toban Dyck, farmer and writer MANITOBA’S FARMERS SHOULD be paying attention to Protein Industries Canada. Founded in 2018, Protein Industries Canada has already become the crucible in which ideas, research, and business have come together to put Canada on the … Continue reading →

  • Farmers Without Borders – A Case for a Great Plains Agricultural Network

    By Toban Dyck, farmer and writer CANADA, LIKE ANY other country, has borders. We talk about these borders as if they’re real in the same way stubbing your toe on a chair is real, but they are not. Canada doesn’t … Continue reading →

  • Agriculture Education at the Centre of Busy Year for AITC-M

    Submitted by Ag in the Classroom – Manitoba A RESOURCE HUB highlighting foundational commodities in Manitoba. The second season of a popular virtual farm tour. A new resource, two years in the making, highlighting the ‘whole plate’ story of Canada’s … Continue reading →

  • Dry Bean Tour Summary

  • Organic Field Peas

    Weed Control Field peas are an excellent rotational crop for an organic system. Effective weed control is critical to maximize yield and grain quality of an organic pea crop. Peas are naturally poor competitors with weeds and yield loss can … Continue reading →

  • Dry Bean Narrow-Row Production Guidelines

    FIELD SELECTION Moisture Dry beans are susceptible to excessively wet soils or waterlogging. Choose fields that are well-drained with medium to coarse texture. Under optimum soil moisture conditions, dry beans will use 12–15 inches of water.1 Salinity Dry beans are … Continue reading →

  • Emerging Crop Rotations for Western Canada

    Ramona Mohr, Research Scientist, AAFC – Brandon Pulse Beat 96, Fall/Winter 2022 MANITOBA CROP ROTATIONS have changed significantly over the last 20 years. While the eastern prairies were once dominated by cereals and canola, Manitoba is now second only to … Continue reading →

  • Chewers, Sap-Suckers And Root Feeders

    Insects in Pulse and Soybean Crops in 2022 John Gavloski, Entomologist, Manitoba Agriculture – Pulse Beat 96, Fall/Winter 2022 WEATHER WAS ONCE again a big factor in how insects interacted with pulse and soybean crops. Seeding was quite late in … Continue reading →

  • Supporting Soybeans In The War On Weeds

    Charles Geddes, Research Scientist – Weed Ecology and Cropping Systems , AAFC – Lethbridge – Pulse Beat 96, Fall/Winter 2022 BREEDING EFFORTS ARE serving up soybean varieties that are better adapted for growth in northern climates. However, weeds in these … Continue reading →

  • Spray Drift Management Under Changing Operational Requirements

    Ian Paulson, Technical Services Lead, Prairie Agricultural Machinery Institute Pulse Beat 96, Fall/Winter 2022 OVER THE PAST four years, researchers from Agrimetrix Research and Training Ltd., the Prairie Agricultural Machinery Institute (PAMI), and the University of Saskatchewan’s College of Agriculture … Continue reading →

  • Soybeans And Why We Choose Chips Over Exercise

    By Toban Dyck, writer and farmer Pulse Beat 96, Fall/Winter 2022 HOW TRENDS GAIN a foothold is an interesting topic. I have listened to many podcasts talking about the human brain and how certain stimuli and/or tactics can be used … Continue reading →

  • Forging New Paths For Research

    Cassandra Tkachuk, Research Project Manager, MPSG Pulse Beat 96, Fall/Winter 2022 PULSE ROOT ROT NETWORK The Pulse Root Rot Network (PRRN) is a new initiative MPSG has been involved with in 2022. This network was launched by the three western … Continue reading →