Category: Pulse Beat Issue

  • Pulse Beat: Spring 2014

    Featured in this issue: Three Aussies abroad – Pulse Agronomy Team Study Tour; Organic Soybean Production in Manitoba; Anthracnose – What Edible Bean Growers Need to Remember; Membership survey response – What core activities should MPGA focus on?      … Continue reading →

  • Pulse Beat: Fall/Winter 2013

    Featuring: Phosphorus Management for Soybeans, MPGA’s Soybean On-Farm Trials, Update on Soybean Cyst Nematode, and more. Also included in this issue is an overview on how levy dollars are used and an article on levy and membership benefits.

  • Pulse Beat: Summer 2013

    Featuring: MASC announces new insurance test areas; Pulse Variety Testing – Can we accelerate the release of data?; Field of vision: Soybean Diseases 101 – How to recognize a problem. Final results are in! – 2012-13 Membership Survey;  

  • Pulse Beat: Spring 2013

    Featured: Get ready to head to Soybean School Volunteer canola in soybean 2012/2013 Membership survey results

  • Pulse Beat: Fall/Winter 2012

    Featuring: 2012 navy bean and soybean field scale evaluations, How Canadian pulses are being tested to fight childhood obesity, Succession Planning for the family farm

  • Pulse Beat: Summer 2012

    Featuring: Smartphones: A smart choice for pulse production Canadian Foodgrains Bank: A New Virtual Growing Project  

  • Pulse Beat: Spring 2012

    Our focus on research continues with updates on the follwing MPGA projects: Impact and Control of Fusarium Root Rot in Faba Bean, Partial Resistance to Mycosphaerella Blight in Field Pea, Nematicides for Soybean Cyst Nematode Management, Drought Stress in Ontario … Continue reading →

  • Pulse Beat: Fall/Winter 2011

    Our Fall/Winter 2011 Pulse Beat brings you 12 research reports including: Use of Soybeans to produce dairy-like products, Dry bean and field pea research updates, Navy Bean Harvest Methods and much more This issue also contains articles on Transportation vs. … Continue reading →

  • Pulse Beat: Spring/Summer 2011

    Our spring issue brings our 2011 Approved Funding to Research, Part 2 in the Mung bean Production in Southern Manitoba research update Pulse Canada’s update on the Moroccan trade agreement, Canadian Soybean Council’s trade mission to Japan and South East … Continue reading →

  • Pulse Beat: Winter 2010/2011

    This is our follow-up on research issue. Follow up on research: Soybean Row Spacing and Field Scale Trials, AAFC Field Pea Breeding updates, Organic Pulse Crop Research and much more Pulses and Health Conference in Amsterdam

  • Pulse Beat: Fall 2010

    Our 2010 Research edition brings you updates on the following projects: PCR Diagnostic for B. japonicum, Dry Bean Pathology Research, Field Pea & Fababean Pathology, AAFC Soybean breeding in Manitoba, and many more

  • Pulse Beat: Spring/Summer 2010

    Pulse Day on the Hill and Mission ImPULSEible and take down Seven Good reasons to take a holiday. Field of Vision talks about White Mould in Soybeans 2010 Approved Funding to Research

  • Pulse Beat: Winter 2009/2010

    Lygus Bugs on Edible Beans, 2009 Dry Bean Breeding activities in Morden, Controlling Fusarium Root Rot of Filed Peas, plus much more research updates

  • MPGA Celebrates 25 years!

    MPGA then and now