Category: On-Farm Network Updates

  • The 2021 Trial Lineup

    Most of the On-Farm Network trials are in the ground, with just a few more soybean and dry bean trials to plant. We have quite a diverse program lined up this season, with more trial types in peas and dry … Continue reading →

  • *New for 2021* Pea Seeding Rate Trials

    Pea seeding rate trials are a new addition to the On-Farm Network lineup for 2021. We recommend a target plant stand of 80-90 plants/m2 (8-9 plants/ft2), but plant stand assessments from our pea fungicide trials over the last couple of … Continue reading →

  • Returning to the Scene of the Crime: Wireworm Worries, Year Two

    Last spring, a soybean field ravaged by wireworms had to be reseeded with an insecticide seed treatment. I went out to scout that field when the farmer made the decision to reseed and boy, oh boy, were there wireworms galore. … Continue reading →

  • Soybean Seeding Rate Trials: Optimizing the Bottom Line

    Update from the On-Farm Network Megan Bourns, MSc, Agronomist – On-Farm Network, MPSG – Spring 2021 Pulse Beat Yield development is not a simple, predictable process, regardless of what yield-contributing factor you consider. This holds true for optimizing seeding rate, … Continue reading →

  • On-Farm Network Soybean Row Spacing Trials

    Tighten the row and watch yield grow? Megan Bourns, MSc, Agronomist – On-Farm Network, MPSG and Baljeet Singh, PhD, Assiniboine Community College – Spring 2021 Pulse Beat From 7.5 to 30″, is there an optimal row spacing for soybeans? Does … Continue reading →

  • Findings from the On-Farm Network

    Do higher soybean seeding rates pay? Megan Bourns, MSc, On-Farm Network Agronomist, MPSG – Fall/Winter (December) Pulse Beat 2020 Soybeans are an attractive addition to diversify crop rotations in Manitoba as a nitrogen-fixing, low input crop. Seems ideal for your … Continue reading →

  • June 25, 2020

    In advance of establishing the On-Farm Network trials evaluating field pea fungicides, we’ve been using the Fungicide Decision Worksheet for Managing Mycosphaerella Blight in Field Peas. Peas are scouted regularly to keep an eye on how things are progressing and … Continue reading →

  • June 23, 2020

    This week in the On-Farm Network we’re scouting in advance of our pea fungicide trials. These trials compare single vs. double application of fungicide for Mycosphaerella (Ascochyta) blight control, or compare a single application vs. untreated. Before these trials are … Continue reading →

  • June 24, 2020

    Plant counts, plant counts, plant counts! That’s what is keeping the OFN team busy these days. Characterizing plant stand across trials helps us interpret yield results at the end of the season. Late season plant counts are also taken at … Continue reading →

  • June 10, 2020

    Most On-Farm Network trials established at spring seeding time have been implemented. In addition to pea and dry bean fertility, and dry bean tillage management, trials were established to address several soybean management questions. These include investigating population, row spacing, … Continue reading →

  • May 27, 2020

    On-Farm Network trial establishment is well underway! Pea, faba bean, dry bean and soybean trials have already been planted. Continue reading →

  • May 12, 2020

    The On-Farm Network 2020 field season is officially underway! The first of approximately 65 trials was seeded last week. This year, in addition to our long term trial types (including trials such as soybean population, soybean inoculant, and fungicide trials … Continue reading →

  • On-Farm Network Strives to Answer the Why Behind Yield Results

    A more in-depth look into the factors contributing to yield response. Continue reading →