On-Farm Network Reports

Important information for interpreting statistics

There are two statistical tests that are used to analyze On-Farm Network data:

  • Paired t-tests
  • Analysis of variance (ANOVA)

Coefficient of Variation (CV)

This is the statistical measure of random variation in a trial.  The lower the value, the less variable the data.

Confidence Level

For our trials, we use a 95% confidence level. In statistics, the confidence level indicates how certain we are of the outcome of our statistical analysis.


While a confidence level tells us how certain we are of the results we get from statistical analysis, the P-value indicates if the results are statistically significant. The P-value is a probability that is calculated through the statistical analysis process. A P-value less than 0.05 indicates a statistically significant result, but a P-value greater than 0.05 indicates the results are not significant.

Interpreting Significance

So, if our statistical analysis indicates a significant yield difference, what does that actually mean? A significant yield response (where the P-value is < 0.05) means that we are 95% sure the yield difference resulted from the treatment. Alternatively, if our statistical analysis indicates there is no significant yield difference (where the P-value is > 0.05), then we are 95% certain that the treatment had no effect on yield.

Why are statistics important? Why does significance matter?

Why canโ€™t we just look at differences in yield between treated and untreated strips to determine the effect of a treatment?

Variability in yield is expected from strip to strip across an on-farm trial due to the variability that occurs across a field. So, when we get yields from each of our trial strips at the end of the season, the question is whether those yield differences are simply a result of variability in the field, or, if the yield difference is a result of the treatment/management practice investigated in the trial. We can answer that question using statistics. If the results are statistically significant, we can say that the yield difference between treatments or management practices tested in the trial was caused by the treatment or management practice. If the result is not significant, then any yield difference is likely a result of variability within the field and not a result of the treatment or management practice.

Interpreting Results – An Example

In a soybean double inoculant trial, we test the effect of double vs. single inoculant on soybean yield. Letโ€™s say, for example, the average yield difference between double and single inoculated soybeans for one trial was 1.5 bu/ac. This yield difference will be indicated as significant or not significant. If the yield difference is statistically significant, we can say we are 95% certain that the 1.5 bu/ac increase in yield is a result of the double inoculant treatment. But, if the 1.5 bu/ac yield difference is not significant, then the double inoculant had no effect on yield compared to single inoculant and the 1.5 bu/ac yield difference simply resulted from natural variability across the trial area.

MPSG does not endorse the use of products tested in the On-Farm Network. Although trials are conducted at multiple sites under varying conditions, your individual results may vary.  

Contents of these research publications can only be reproduced with the permission of MPSG.

Filter Reports

Filter the reports in the database table below by clicking the desired Crop, Year, Trial Type, and/or Major Region.  Within the database table, click on any column header to sort the table.  To view a single site report, select the Trial ID to open the single site research report in a new tab.

In the database table below, trials with significant yield differences are highlighted green in the yield difference column. On each single site report, significance is indicated by a โ€˜yes/noโ€™ in the overall yield results table.

A trial that does not meet the trial requirements, eg. field history, is not included in the overall average for yield difference.

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Year Region Municipality Crop Trial Type Treatments Yield +/- Unit Trial Report
2023 Eastern De Salaberry Soybean Seeding Rate 120k vs 148k vs 175k bu/ac 2023-SSR04
2023 Eastern Brokenhead Soybean Seeding Rate 165k vs 220k -0.6 bu/ac 2023-SSR05
2023 Eastern Brokenhead Soybean Seeding Rate 165k vs 220k 1.9 bu/ac 2023-SSR06
2023 Eastern Ritchot Soybean Seeding Rate 133k vs 163k vs 193k bu/ac 2023-SSR07
2023 Eastern Ste Anne Soybean Seeding Rate 120k vs 150k vs 180k bu/ac 2023-SSR08
2023 Central Louise Soybean Seeding Rate 127k vs 145k vs 170k bu/ac 2023-SSR09
2023 Eastern Emerson – Franklin Soybean Seeding Rate 120k vs 150k vs 180k bu/ac 2023-SSR10
2023 Southwest Grassland Soybean Seeding Rate 133k vs 163k vs 193k bu/ac 2023-SSR11
2023 Eastern Lac Du Bonnet Soybean Seeding Rate 223k vs 260k vs 297k bu/ac 2023-SSR12
2023 Northwest Minitonas-Bowsman Soybean Seeding Rate 130k vs 160k vs 190k bu/ac 2023-SSR13
2023 Southwest Glenboro – South Cypress Dry Beans Single Inoculant Agtiv Thrive vs Untreated -307.4 lbs/ac 2023-DB1IN01
2023 Eastern Brokenhead Dry Bean Single Inoculant Agtiv Thrive vs Agtiv Fuel lbs/ac 2023-DB1IN02
2023 Southwest Glenboro – South Cypress Dry Bean Single Inoculant Agtiv Thrive vs Untreated 123 lbs/ac 2023-DB1IN03
2023 Central North Norfolk Dry Bean Single Inoculant Agtiv Fuel vs Untreated -17 lbs/ac 2023-DB1IN04
2023 Southwest Oakland – Wawanesa Dry Bean Foliar Fungicide Proline GOLD vs Untreated 164.9 lbs/ac 2023-DBF01
2023 Central Roland Dry Bean Foliar Fungicide Lance WDG vs Untreated -7.8 lbs/ac 2023-DBF02
2023 Southwest Deloraine – Winchester Dry Bean Fertility 0 lbs N vs 25 lbs N vs 55 lbs N vs 85 lbs N lbs/ac 2023-DBN01
2023 Northwest Dauphin Pea Foliar Fungicide RevyPro vs Untreated 9.1 bu/ac 2023-PF01
2023 Northwest Roblin Pea Foliar Fungicide Dyax vs Untreated 0.6 bu/ac 2023-PF02
2023 Central Morris Pea Foliar Fungicide RevyPro vs Dyax vs Untreated bu/ac 2023-PF03
2023 Central Grey Pea Foliar Fungicide Dyax vs Untreated 2.8 bu/ac 2023-PF04
2023 Central Lorne Pea Foliar Fungicide RevyPro vs Delaro vs Untreated bu/ac 2023-PF05
2023 Central Lorne Pea Foliar Fungicide RevyPro vs Untreated 1.1 bu/ac 2023-PF06
2023 Interlake Rockwood Pea Foliar Fungicide Dyax vs Untreated 2.1 bu/ac 2023-PF07
2023 Northwest Swan Valley West Pea Foliar Fungicide Miravis Neo vs Miravis Neo + Cotegra -1.9 bu/ac 2023-PF09
2023 Northwest Minitonas – Bowsman Pea Foliar Fungicide Delaro vs Delaro + Dyax 0.9 bu/ac 2023-PF10
2023 Central Lorne Pea Seeding Rate 168 lbs vs 192 lbs vs 222 lbs/ac bu/ac 2023-PSR01
2023 Northwest Dauphin Pea Seeding Rate 160 lbs vs 200 lbs vs 240 lbs/ac bu/ac 2023-PSR02
2023 Northwest Roblin Pea Seed Treatment Rancona Trio vs Rancona Trio + Imidacloprid Insecticide vs Trilex Evergol vs Untreated bu/ac 2023-PST01
2023 Central Louise Pea Seed Treatment Rancona Trio vs Untreated 0.27 bu/ac 2023-PST02
2023 Eastern Brokenhead Soybean Single Inoculant 5lbs/ac Cell-Tech (granular) vs Untreated -0.1 bu/ac 2023-S1IN01
2023 Eastern De Salaberry Soybean Single Inoculant Cell-Tech (liquid) vs Untreated 0.4 bu/ac 2023-S1IN02
2023 Eastern Hanover Soybean Single Inoculant Signum Soybean (liquid) vs Untreated -0.4 bu/ac 2023-S1IN03
2023 Eastern Lac Du Bonnet Soybean Single Inoculant Nodulator (liquid) vs Untreated 0.8 bu/ac 2023-S1IN04
2023 Eastern De Salaberry Soybean Double Inoculant 1x Lalfix Liquid Soybean (on-seed) vs + 1x Lalfix Liquid Soybean (on-seed) 5lbs/ac Nodulator (granular) -0.6 bu/ac 2023-S2IN01
2023 Northwest Dauphin Soybean Double Inoculant 1x Nodulator (liquid on-seed) vs 1x Nodulator (liquid on-seed) + 5lbs/ac Nodulator (granular) -2.9 bu/ac 2023-S2IN02
2023 Central Louise Soybean Double Inoculant 1x Nodulator (liquid on-seed) vs 1x Nodulator (liquid on-seed) + 1x N-Row (peat/granular) -0.6 bu/ac 2023-S2IN03
2023 Eastern Springfield Soybean Double Inoculant 1x Nodulator (liquid on-seed) vs 1x Nodulator (liquid on-seed) + 3.5 lbs/ac Lalfix DUO Spherical (granular) -2.7 bu/ac 2023-S2IN05
2023 Northwest Gilbert Plains Soybean Double Inoculant 1x Evergol Energy (liquid on-seed) vs 1x Evergol Energy (liquid on-seed) + 5lbs/ac Nodulator (granular in furrow) -0.1 bu/ac 2023-S2IN06
2023 Interlake Rockwood Soybean Double Inoculant 1x Nodulator (liquid on-seed) vs 1x Nodulator (liquid on-seed) + 1 x Nodulator (granular) 2.9 bu/ac 2023-S2IN07
2023 Eastern De Salaberry Soybean Biologicals 50 lbs Humic Acid vs 25 lbs Humic Acid vs Untreated bu/ac 2023-SB01
2023 Interlake Rockwood Soybean Biologicals Fertiactylยฎ vs Untreated -1.2 bu/ac 2023-SB02
2023 Eastern Springfield Soybean Biologicals Fertiactylยฎ vs Untreated 2.6 bu/ac 2023-SB03
2023 Interlake Rosser Soybean Biologicals Fertiactylยฎ vs Untreated 0.2 bu/ac 2023-Sb04
2023 Eastern Hanover Soybean Biologicals Envitaโ„ข vs Untreated -0.3 bu/ac 2023-SB05
2023 Interlake Bifrost – Riverton Soybean Biologicals Fertiactylยฎ vs Untreated -0.4 bu/ac 2023-SB06
2023 Interlake Rockwood Soybean Biologicals Fertileader Vital 9-5-4 vs Untreated 0.2 bu/ac 2023-SB07
2023 Central Grey Soybean Biologicals Envitaโ„ข vs Untreated bu/ac 2023-SB08
2023 Eastern De Salaberry Soybean Foliar Fungicide Veltyma vs Untreated -0.4 bu/ac 2023-SF01
2023 Northwest Dauphin Soybean Foliar Fungicide Veltyma vs Untreated 0.1 bu/ac 2023-SF02