An economic investigation of the quality discount for Manitoba soybeans


Start Date


End Date


Principal Investigator

Charles Grant C. W. Grant and Company Limited

MPSG Financial Support

External Funding

Total Project Funding


Research Objectives

Assess what makes up the discounted value of Manitoba soybeans: – Determine what makes up the Manitoba soybean discount; Assess the discounted value of Manitoba soybeans from an end-use perspective: – Determine the theoretical quality discount according to reduced value to end users. Assess the value of research that can narrow the quality gap: – Determine the value of research in varietal development and/or cultural practices that can narrow the quality gap.

The value of Manitoba soybeans is currently discounted below that of soybeans grown in the United States. This discount represents a wider basis off the US soybean futures prices. The wider basis reflects, at least in part, quality differences in the soybeans. Varietal differences and perhaps climatic differences have Manitoba soybeans with lower protein levels than those of soybeans produced by US counterparts.

This research investigates what makes up the quality discount reflected in the Manitoba basis. The research also investigates a theoretical quality discount reflecting reduced value of Manitoba soybeans to end users. Since the discount directly affects the local cash price of soybeans, understanding what makes up the discount is of importance to MPSP farmer members. A greater knowledge of the quality discount will assist with research decisions regarding varietal development and/or cultural practices that can narrow the quality gap.

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