Fusarium species cause disease in several economic crops in Manitoba; specifically, root rots in soybeans and pulses and Fusarium head blight (FHB) in wheat. Traditionally, FHB has been known to be caused by F. graminearum, whereas F. solani and F. oxysporum were associated with root rots in soybeans and peas; however, there were indications from field observation and the literature that possible cross pathogenicity of F. graminearum amongst crops exists. In 2014, F. graminearum was identified as a new root rot pathogen of soybean in Manitoba disease surveys. The presence of F. graminearum in soybean and pea fields presents a threat to wheat production because of the extension of the host array and of potential alternative hosts for the disease could increase disease incidence or severity. Farmers in Manitoba regularly have problems with FHB causing lower yields, seed grade and seed germination. In addition, F. graminearum produces mycotoxin deoxynivalenol, which poses safety issues for both human and animal consumption. This project will generate information that may be used to modify crop rotations to optimize productivity, sustainability and safety of wheat and soybeans/pea grain production.