Development and Functional Characterization of Bean Flour-Based Snack Product


Start Date


End Date


Principal Investigator

Buohdan Luhovyy Mount St. Vincent University

MPSG Financial Support


External Funding

Total Project Funding



Research Objectives

Develop product prototypes and conduct their sensory evaluation with adults and school-age children Study the effects of selected product prototype on energy intake and appetite in children and adults Investigate the glycaemic properties of the products by measuring blood glucose in adults for two hours

This project aims to contribute to more intensive utilization of bean flour through the development of novel snack products and better understanding of their functional benefits associated with the high nutritional value of navy beans. Low consumption of pulses and pulse ingredients goes in parallel with increased rate of obesity and type-2 diabetes due to the consumption of energy dense foods with high sugar and fat content, mainly snacks. Previously, we have shown that navy bean powder partially retains health properties of whole navy beans by suppressing blood sugar and appetite compared to whole wheat flour. Our recent experience in food product innovations, while working with cooked navy bean flour, resulted in the development of the snack prototype with superior nutritional characteristics compared to the products of the same category available on the market. The overall objective of the project is to develop the snack products formulated with navy bean flour with acceptable sensory characteristics (taste, flavour, sweetness, mouthfeel, etc) and prominent health benefits including lowering of blood sugar, calorie intake and increased satiety.


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