Dry bean improvement for sustainable production in Canada: Development of Cultivars


Start Date


End Date


Principal Investigator

Anfu Hou Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

MPSG Financial Support


External Funding

Funding for this project has been provided by Agriculture and Agri‐Food Canada through the AgriInnovation Program

Total Project Funding



Research Objectives

Dry bean improvement for sustainable production in Canada: Development of dry bean cultivars/germplasm with high yield, disease resistance and marketable seed quality for production in Manitoba The objectives of this study are to coordinate and conduct the annual Long Season Wide Row Dry Bean Cooperative Registration Trials and the Regional Variety Trials, improve dry bean disease resistance with a focus on common bacterial blight, anthracnose and white mould in major bean market classes, develop molecular markers for seed hardness, evaluate amino acid compositions and agronomic performance of a genetic population derived from SMARC1NPN1/Morden003, and continue breeding selection for improved yield, seed quality and early-maturity for production in Manitoba.

Thirty-four advanced breeding lines from public and private breeders were successfully tested in the Long Season Wide Row Dry Bean Cooperative Registration Trials at four locations in Manitoba. The trails were conducted with 5 m four-row plots with three replications in a randomized complete block design. The central two rows were harvested for seed analysis. The entries were also evaluated for resistance to common bacterial blight, anthracnose and white mould. A comprehensive report has been submitted to the Prairie Recommending Committee for Pulses and Special Crops of the Prairie Grain Development Committee to support variety registration in Canada. In collaboration with the Manitoba Pulse & Soybean Growers, 54 registered varieties or advanced breeding lines were tested at Morden as a part of the Regional Variety Trials. The results were published in Seed Manitoba and Pulse Beat to provide production guides to regional bean growers and industry.

Elite AAFC Morden dry bean selections were tested in the Coop trials, one navy bean line NA6-27-2 were supported for registration in February 2015 and is in the AAFC commercialization proposal process. Additional lines will be proposed for registration in next two years. Stone and hard seed has been a production concern in Manitoba. A recombinant inbred line population (180 lines) were developed from hard and soft parental lines and were grown in 5 m two row plots at two locations in 2015. Seeds were hand-harvested and subjected to hydration analysis and genotyping for SNP analysis by genomic sequencing. The population showed significant variation in stone seed numbers, hydration capacity, and seed cracking. The population will be grown again at two locations in 2016. Multiple year and site data will be analyzed for genetic mapping and identification of molecular markers associated with seed hardness. The recombinant inbred lines (187 lines) derived from the cross of SMARC1N-PN1/Morden003 were grown at Morden Manitoba and London Ontario in 2014 and 2015. Agronomic field data were taken at both sites. The populations were also genomic sequenced and SNPs were identified. Seven lines were confirmed with same protein polypeptide patterns of SMARC1N-PN1. Amino acid composition analysis of the lines revealed increases in methionine and cysteine (sulphur-containing amino acids) and reduced S-methylcysteine. The lines had normal agronomic growth in the field. Anthracnose resistance screening identified lines with resistance to races 73 and/or 105. Preliminary mapping with SNPs confirmed the resistance in Morden003 at the Co-3 locus and SMARC1N-PN1 at the Co-1 locus. Genetic analysis and mapping of various traits are being conducted by a M.Sc. graduate student.

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