Evaluation of Nematicides for Soybean Cyst Nematode (SCN) Management

SCN is the most important yield-reducing pathogen throughout Ontario and the US. SCN has become well established in the province and elsewhere as illustrated by recent Ontario surveys which have detected SCN in 77% of the fields and in the six Midwestern Great Lake states were SCN was present in 46% to 83% of fields in individual states. Despite the widespread nature of SCN, infestations in many fields go undiagnosed because above-ground symptoms do not always occur. Furthermore, significant yield loss can occur in the absence of noticeable above-ground symptoms. As a result SCN continues to be the most significant yield limiting disease in Ontario and the U.S. where it is estimated SCN accounted for 25 to 33% of all yield losses due to disease from 1996 to 2007.

In order to minimize and educate the soybean industry, advisers, and growers about this very destructive soybean disease Ontario has participated in a North Central Soybean Research Program Research Project in partnership with the Grain Farmers of Ontario aiming to improve SCN Management in the northern soybean production areas. The goal of this project is to improve SCN management in the northern soybean production areas including Ontario. This project will focus on large scale demonstration studies set up in Ontario and select states and focus on the effects of different seed treatment nematicides and how they affect SCN populations and soybean yields.

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