Soybean seed, sprouts and tofu were evaluated for differences in BBI quantity. There are differences in BBI present in mature seed of different varieties of soybean as well as in sprouted soybean. While the differences are significant, we are unsure as to BBI dose required in order to affect tumor size or reduce incidence of cancer. Understanding dosage amount and frequency will be important in order to select for optimum concentrations of BBI future varieties.
Evaluation of Soybeans for Biomedical and Functional Food Utilization
Start Date
2011End Date
2012Principal Investigator
Curtis Rempel Richardson Centre for Functional Food & Nutraceuticals
MPSG Financial Support
$13,200External Funding
Total Project Funding
Research Objectives
Screen short season soybean breeding lines and varieties (both GM and conventional) for presence and quantity of a Bowman Birk Inhibitor (BBI), which has been demonstrated to prevent several types of cancers, in order to allow breeders to select germplasm with the highest levels of BBI for new variety development Determine if BBI is present in bean sprouts and food products related to tofuRelated Topics