Glyphosate- or auxinic-resistant kochia and Russian thistle prairie surveys


Start Date


End Date


Principal Investigator

Hugh Beckie AAFC Saskatoon Research and Development Centre

MPSG Financial Support


External Funding


Total Project Funding

Research Objectives

To determine the distribution and abundance of GR or auxinic-resistant kochia and other targeted weeds, including Russian thistle, waterhemp, and ragweed species, in Manitoba in 2018, Saskatchewan in 2019, and Alberta in 2021 through a survey of 300 sites in each province.

Currently, kochia is the only weed in western Canada to evolve resistance to glyphosate. Based on post-harvest random field surveys in Alberta in 2012 and Saskatchewan and Manitoba in 2013, about 5% of fields in Alberta and Saskatchewan had GR kochia (strongly associated with chem-fallow, but also found in canola, wheat, and lentil) and only two fields in Manitoba had GR kochia (corn and soybean) (Hall et al. 2014; Beckie et al. 2015).

GR Russian thistle has not been documented in western Canada, but is confirmed in chem-fallow fields in Montana and Oregon (Heap 2017). By determining the rate and extent of evolution or spread of GR or auxinic-resistant kochia since the initial baseline surveys were conducted, we can better advise producers of the risk, potential agronomic and economic impact, and best management practices to mitigate or manage GR or auxinic-resistant kochia (and other species if found).

Monitoring or surveillance enhances producer awareness; awareness of the current extent of the problem is required to facilitate producer adoption of mitigation or management measures and their rapid deployment  for economically and agronomically sustainable annual crop production.

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