Iron Deficiency Chlorosis

Each year, Dennis Lange of Manitoba Agriculture coordinates the testing of soybean varieties for iron deficiency chlorosis (IDC) at an IDC-prone site near Winnipeg. All entries submitted to the soybean variety evaluation trials are included in this trial – they are planted in replicated, single rows.

In 2017, IDC was a widespread production challenge for Manitoba farmers. For the first time, the IDC trial was taken to harvest to explore the relationship between IDC score and yield.

The applied soybean and pulse research team hand harvested the trial in September and processed over 200 samples with a stationary belt thresher. Data compilation is underway.

Information on the causes and management of soybean IDC was presented to over 100 farmers at extension events in January 2018. A brief literature review provided insight into potential management options and knowledge gaps.

Survey data from farmers was also collected at these events on the occurrence of IDC and will be used to direct research efforts in this area. Farmers also expressed interest in establishing an IDC testing site in western Manitoba.

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