Novel mechanical weed control tools for integrated weed management in narrow-row field beans


Start Date


End Date


Principal Investigator

Martin Entz University of Manitoba

MPSG Financial Support

$68 200

External Funding

Total Project Funding

Research Objectives

To test, and refine the use of a camera-guided inter-row cultivator and a rotative weeder (Einbock aerostar rotation) for weed control in narrow-row field beans Evaluate the use of these tools integrated with full and reduced herbicidal weed control Determine the tolerance of narrow-row field beans to the rotative weeder

Cost effective and efficacious weed control is critical to the future success of large scale grain production. New approaches for the control of annual and perennial weeds – approaches that complement herbicidal weed control – are required. By developing and testing new mechanical and alternative approaches to weed control for conventional production, this project will provide producers with new options for weed control in narrow-row dry bean production. In this way, the research effort will help to increase production quantity and quality of dry beans in Manitoba, allowing Manitoban grain producers to be competitive in to the future.

This project will use novel tools owned by the University of Manitoba to test weed control in various pinto beans and navy beans. The research group at the University of Manitoba has 20 years of experience using alternative weed control methods in organic, pesticide-free and integrated grain production, and we want to apply that knowledge, experience and tools to conventional production.

This project will provide MPSG farmers with weed control strategies improving the production of field beans. This research will aim to improve weed management while reducing herbicide use in the growing season.

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