Phosphorus Fertilization Beneficial Management Practices for Soybeans in Manitoba


Start Date


End Date


Principal Investigator

Don Flaten University of Manitoba

MPSG Financial Support


External Funding

Total Project Funding


Research Objectives

Refine the 4Rs nutrient management concept (right source, right rate, right place and right time) to help Manitoba soybean producers optimize phosphorus fertilization.  Specifically: Determine soybean yield response to added P Assess seed safety and risk of stand reduction Assess methods to provide soybean P fertility maintenance

Field studies were conducted at 10 locations across southern Manitoba from 2013 to 2015. Olsen extractable phosphorus (P) concentrations at these sites varied between 3 and 44 ppm. Phosphorus fertilizer was applied as monoammonium phosphate (11-52-0) at 20, 40 and 80 lbs of P2O5/ac in the seed-row, broadcast or sid-banded. Plant stands were assessed at 4 weeks after planting and biomass was harvested and analyzed for P uptake at R3 stage. Stand reduction was rare and did not occur at typical agronomic rates of 20-40 lbs P2O5/ac. However, at 80 lbs P2O5/ac, stand reductions were most likely to occur in medium to coarse textured soils or when wide row spacing and low seed bed utilization increased fertilizer concentration in the seed row. Even in soils with very low soil P levels (3 ppm Olsen P), soybeans were able take up enough soil P to produce high yields without responding to any P fertilizer rate and placement. Phosphorus fertilization regardless of soil P level, P rate and P placement did not increase biomass or seed yield at any of the site years.

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