Prairie Weed Surveys


Start Date


End Date


Principal Investigator

Julia Leeson Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

MPSG Financial Support


External Funding


Total Project Funding


Research Objectives

Summarize existing weed survey information Conduct a new series of general weed surveys in the Prairie provinces

Quantitative field surveys of weed populations are used to reveal the current size, extent, and order of importance of species in provinces, ecoregions and jurisdictional areas.  Tracking the increase or decrease in weed populations and the changes in the composition and structure of weed communities will indicate the extent by which various weeds are spreading or being controlled and thus the effectiveness of weed management programs.

Weed survey data can provide an objective basis for developing ecologically and economically sustainable strategies to manage agricultural weeds.  The data are used to set research and education priorities, develop recommendations, and design weed management strategies in the research, extension, and agri-business communities.  Relating trends in weed populations and communities to the use of specific agronomic and weed control practices or to cropping systems will identify possible reasons that certain weeds have become more or less of a problem on an ecoregion, crop, or provincial basis.

Predicting shifts in weed populations and communities that might occur because of anticipated changes in agronomic practices, weed control management, climate, and agricultural policy will allow agricultural agencies to develop weed management strategies that meet the future needs of farmers.

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