Soybean Breeding and Research for Pest Resistance and for Enhanced Soy Food Quality

The AAFC soybean breeding program at Ottawa and Harrow, which has been integrated into one national study, continues to focus on promoting the development of a soy industry producing high-value Identity Preserved crops for food and industrial raw materials. Breeding and research in this proposal will emphasize 1) soybean aphid resistance; 2) improving genetic resistance to pests including rust, SCN and other soybean diseases; and 3) improving short and ultra-short season soybean cultivars, including food grade cultivars. Breeding and research supported by this proposal, which will emphasize improving the yield, stress tolerance and value-added quality of food grade soybeans, will be fully integrated with those of the public soybean breeding programs. In parallel with the breeding work, we will conduct research on the genetic basis of traits of interest and develop more efficient and effective technologies to quantify the quality attributes of soybeans and soy products. These technologies will then be available throughout the sector.

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