Research Reports Database

Keeping soybean and pulse farmers and industry stakeholders informed of advances made through MPSG-funded research is key to ensuring production and marketing opportunities are captured. Reports from past and on-going research projects have been organized in the database below to allow for easy access to most up-to-date results.

How it works:

To filter the number of research projects shown in the database table, select the crop type and/or priority area of interest. You may choose multiple crops and priority areas to see overlapping research areas. Use the Search function to look for more specific areas of interest (e.g., Bradyrhizobium).

To further assist in refining your search, use the arrows at the top of the database table in each column. The Start and End Dates sort the list chronologically and the Project Title or Researcher sorts the list alphabetically.

 Contents of these research publications can only be reproduced with the permission of MPSG.